Frequently Asked Questions

Gentle, friendly, caring

What is the difference between Luminous Dental and other dental practices?

We base our reputation on our exceptional service and attention to detail. When it comes to your teeth, smile and comfort nothing is more important. We aim to assist & educate patients on looking after their teeth in a preventative approach to dentistry. We listen carefully to our patients & address their concerns. We will explain every treatment option to empower you in making an informed choice. Our patients receive exceptional dentistry in a comfortable & modern environment where patients come first.

Can I come to Luminous Dental for general dental concerns?

Yes, of course! Whether you want a regular preventative examination, or you have a specific concern or problem, we can help.

Tooth holding a clock

How long will my treatment take at Luminous Dental?

This depends on a number of factors. At your initial appointment, we will provide a detailed and personalised treatment plan that will outline the number of appointments and time involved, as well as your investment. We can take your budget and concerns into consideration before finalising your treatment plan.

Tooth holding a coin

How much will my treatment cost at Luminous Dental and what will my health fund contribute?

We will ensure that after visiting our practice you will be aware of all associated fees for the treatments discussed. We will explain the treatment recommendations best suited to your circumstances and your budget. Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with individual rebates from health fund providers as this depends on which health fund you are with & your individual level of cover. However, we will endeavor to provide you with any information you may require to establish this information for your individual cover.


Does Luminous Dental accept Medicare Child Dental Benefits Schedule?

Yes! As long as you bring along your paperwork from Medicare confirming your child's eligibility. Eligible children aged 2-17yo will have $1000 to spend over 2 years on the following services:

  • Examinations
  • X-rays
  • Cleaning
  • Fissure sealing
  • Fillings
  • Root canals
  • Extractions

To confirm eligibility & check the balance amount, contact Medicare online account at or calling the medicare general enquiries line on 132 011